Week 4: Medicine, Technology, and Art
I don’t have any first-hand knowledge about medical technology. I have never even stepped foot into a hospital unless on my own accord. The only time I’ve been at the hospital is when I would be swinging by to maybe talk to my mom for a minute as she is an ER nurse. From what I do know, medicine is what comforts or cures sickness. It has been the story of time, experts in the medical field trying to cure and control diseases. Sadly, it is something that will always be important and never go away as there is always some disease that needs to be cured or stopped. Park (2002), discussing Medicine in Antiquity in the NBCI, (National Center for Biotechnology Information) , states that "a ncient medicine was the mothe r of science and played a large role in the integration of early culture.” This Integration of early culture, has seen medicine evolve and endure many changes, so much so that its definition has broaden from its usual scientific meaning. Many people think it is...